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Monday, December 11, 2006

Google Invades The Airwaves

Joe Lewis | Staff Writer

Google announced in a corporate blog that it has officially begun
beta testing its Audio Ads marketing platform. Earlier this year,
the company acquired dMarc Broadcasting as part of its plans to
crossover into radio advertising.

Google has made waves in recent months in its efforts to expand
beyond the online marketplace into traditional advertising
platforms such as print and radio. The strategy, bold to be sure,
has been met with both praise and skepticism from industry analysts
and prominent bloggers alike.

At the Inside Adwords Blog, a member of the Audio Ads team gives
a little more elaboration on the company's vision for the project:

"Over the last year, we've been partnering with both terrestrial
and satellite radio stations across the U.S. so that our
advertisers have many options for broadcasting their ads --
whether it's a Country station in Tyler, Texas or an Adult
Contemporary station in New York City."

"Currently, there are hundreds of stations to choose from and we
hope to grow the list over the coming year. Our broadcast partners
are looking forward to making their ad inventories available to
thousands of new advertisers, especially since they aren't easily
accessible today."


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